Jol Anders
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Steve Ashford-Bown
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Sheila Anders
- patvirtinta
Alina Popa
- patvirtinta
Michael Williams
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Steve Ashford-Bown
- patvirtinta
Earthy Bond
- patvirtinta
James Goodhew
- patvirtinta
Somto O
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Džiaugiuosi tuo, ką WAcademy veikia bendruomenėje. Labai džiaugiuosi galėjęs paprašyti super studentų sukurti svetainę mums. Ačiū!
Neturiu žodžių paaiškinti nuostabų ir profesionalų darbą, kurį projekto vadovas atliko. Atradus WAcademy galiu pasakyti, kad nuo pat pirmos dienos visi jie buvo labai įgudę, malonūs ir norintys padėti. Jie suprato mano poreikius ir sukūrė man puikią svetainę. Dėkoju WAcademy žmonėms, jie tiesiog nuostabūs!!!
Taigi, įsigijau talpinimą kurį rekomendavo WAcademy, kad gaučiau nemokamą svetainę. Tai tikrai buvo verta mano pinigų, svetainė atrodo taip kaip norėjau ir greitai užkraunama.
Gauti ką nors už dyką skamba per gerai, kad būtų tiesa, tačiau šiuo atveju viskas buvo taip, kaip buvo žadėta. Gavau puikią nemokamą svetainę. Bendravimas buvo be priekaištų, kaip ir bendradarbiavimas. Kodėl nėra daugiau tokių pasiūlymų kaip šis!
Esu patenkinta šia paslauga. Pradedant turėjau tik mažytę įdėjų, tačiau jaunimas man labai padėjo. Dabar galiu galvoti apie savo laisvalaikį ir kitą projektą.
Džiaugiuosi savo nauja svetaine, kurios dizainas buvo sukurtas nemokamai. Mano naujoji svetainė atrodo taip, kokia įsivaizdavau – šviesi, gyvybinga ir patogi. Kai išsiunčiau informaciją apie dizainą ir turinį procesas buvo slandus. Projekto vadovas padėjo viską sutvarkyti svetainėje prieš paleidžiant. Labai rekomenduoju WAcademy.
Patikima įmonė, kurią verta rekomenduoti. Jie žaibiškai padarė man puslapį pagal visus mano norus. Mano ir kelių žmonių, kurie klausė savo nuomonės, nuomone, mano svetainė atrodo labai gerai ir profesionaliai tiek telefone, tiek kompiuteryje. Esu labai patenkinta ir rekomenduoju 100%. Nuoširdžiai dėkoju visai komandai ir linkiu, darote puikų darbą🙂
Esu labai patenkintas, kad svetainės kūrimui pasirinkau WAcademy. Su jų komanda buvo lengva dirbti, per trumpą laiką sukurta nuostabi svetainė. Dar kartą ačiū projekto vadovui ir visai WAcademy komandai už jūsų sunkų darbą, rekomenduosiu jus visiems savo draugams!
WAcademy atliko viską kaip ir žadėjo. Nebuvo jokių paslėptų kabliukų, procesas vyko taip, kaip buvo pristatyta projekto pradžioje. Džiaugiuosi savo svetaine, darbas su jais man buvo teigiama patirtis. Ačiū džiaugiuosi galėdamas jus rekomenduoti ir esu dėkingas už suteiktą galimybę.
Iš pradžių abejojau ar svetainės kūrimas bus sklandus, ypač atsižvelgiant į tai, kad gyvenu kaime kuriame bendravimas labai ribotas dėl prasto interneto ryšio. Tačiau viskas praėjo sklandžiai.
Bendra patirtis buvo puiki. „Wacademy“ skyrė laiko man paaiškinti, kad suprasčiau ko tikiuosi iš savo svetainės. Man reikėjo svetainės maitinimo verslui. Turėjau ribotą biudžetą, todėl pasirinkti WAcademy buvo puikus sprendimas.
Profesionaliai ir puikiai!!!!! Mano projektų vadovė buvo atsidavusi ir labai gerai atliko savo darbą 10/10.
Aš paprastai nerašau atsiliepimų, bet noriu padėkoti WAcademy už savo svetainę! Maloni ir lengva patirtis dirbant su studentu ir projekto vadovu. Rekomenduoju!
Man patinka svetainė, kurią jie sukūrė. Svetainė atrodo profesionaliai. Kūrimas kėlė mažų iššūkių nes buvo mažai detalių, kurias reikėjo pakeisti, tačiau su jų pagalba kurčiausi svetaine vėl. Vertinu jų pagalbą.
Su „Wacademy“ buvo malonu bendradarbiauti, jų bendravimas beveik tobulas, esu patenkintas jų paslaugomis.
Puikus aptarnavimas, labai rekomenduoju! Projekto vadovė daug padėjo ir palaikė viso proceso metu, labai džiaugiuosi savo nauja svetaine!
Turėjau omenyje būtent tai, kas buvo sukurta, esu labai patenkinta savo svetaine. Apie komandą galiu pasakyti tik gerus dalykus, visi su kuriais kalbėjau buvo pozityvūs ir paslaugūs. Vis dar nežinau, kaip galima dovanoti svetaines, ypač tokios kokybės, bet labai džiaugiuosi, kad radau jus ir prisijungiau prie projekto. Mielai rekomenduosiu Wacademy.
Svetainė puiki, galėjo efektyviau valdyti laiką, bet apskritai esu patenkinta.
Norėčiau padėkoti komandai, kuri sukūrė man svetainę. Projekto vadovei, kuri profesionaliai bendravo ir kūrimo metu informavo paie svetainės statusą. Labai džiaugiuosi savo svetaine ir visu palaikymu, kurio sulaukiau. Ačiū Ernestai ir visiems žmonėms, kurie prisidėjo prie mano projekto.
HuCo Services Ltd Puikus palaikymas ir plėtra su nuolatiniais atsiliepimais kūrimo metu
Labai džiaugiamės nauja mūsų svetaine! Atrodo profesionaliai ir labai lengva naršyti. Mūsų patirtis su WAcademy klientų aptarnavimu buvo puiki. Anthony labai efektyviai tvarkė reikalus ir atsakė į visus klausimus. Jie taip pat nuolat atnaujina mūsų svetainę ir pateikia mėnesines ataskaitas, kad žinotume, kaip mums sekasi. Rekomenduočiau WAcademy visiems ieškantiems svetainės dizaino ar SEO darbų!
Viskas gerai. Aš laimingas. Wacademy komanda tikrai atsipalaidavusi, paslaugi ir palaikanti. Viena nedidelė problema išspręsta be rūpesčių. Jie klauso jūsų ir turi puikių web dizainerių, kurie kuria modernias, šaunias svetaines, kurios tikrai atspindi jūsų verslą.
Puikus bendravimas ir galutinis rezultatas, svetainė BŪTENT tokia apie kokią svajojau! Dizaineris įdėmiai perskaitė mano pateiktą informaciją, peržiūrėjo svetaines, kurios man patiko ir sukūrė puikų, patogų tinklalapį atitinkantį visus mano poreikius.
Man patiko dirbti su man paskirtu projekto vadovu, reitai atsakė į mano laiškus ir padėjo pereiti visus pradinius rūpesčius. Svetainės dizainas puikus, kokio ir norėjau – įtraukiantis, švarus, šiuolaikiškas ir elegantiškas, visos nuorodos veikia. Jų sukurtas logotipo dizainas taip pat puikus, toks kokį aprašiau projekto formoje. Ačiū visai komandai nuo pradžios iki pabaigos, tai buvo pozityvi ir produktyvi kelionė.
Natūralu, kad į nemokamą paslaugą žiūrėjome šiek tiek atsargiai, nes visi buvome mokomi „nemokamų pietų nebūna”! Bet galiu nuoširdžiai pasakyti, kad tai labai arti nemokamų pietų. Žinoma, jūs turite įsigyti bent vienerių metų talpinimą iš jų partnerių, tačiau kaina nėra per didelė. Pasirinkome 3 metų paketą, kuris mūsų nuomone, dar labiau pagerino jo vertę ir reiškė, kad kurį laiką mums nereikia jaudintis dėl jo atnaujinimo. Kūrėjai buvo geri ir padarė viską, ko prašėme, o rezultatu likome labai patenkinti. Jei jums reikia svetainės, tai puikus būdas ją susikurti nemokamai.
Negaliu patikėti, kad turiu svetainę! Projektų vadovė buvo nuostabi. Labai ačiū! Rekomenduokite 5 iš 5 žvaigždučių
Lengva bendrauti. Visiškai išskirtinė paslauga. „WAcademy“ yra geriausia su kuo teko dirbti.
Komanda buvo puiki ir atliko puikų darbą kurdama mano svetainę
Didžiuojuosi savo nauja svetaine, nors ir ne aš ją sukūriau! Tai tikras įrodymas, kaip dizaineris įsiklausė į mano norus, perskaitė visą mano atsiųstą informaciją ir tikrai „pajuto“ mano projektą. Bendravimas buvo geras, tiksliai žinojau ko tikėtis. Uždaviau daug klausimų ir gavau tinkamus, išsamius atsakymus. Turiu svetainę, kuri atrodo profesionaliai ir kai tik svetainė tampa „aktyvi“, gaunate išsamias instrukcijas kaip redaguotii ir prižiūrėti svetainę. Labai rekomenduoju WAcademy!
Fantastiškas aptarnavimas nuo pradžios iki pabaigos. Projekto vadovas nuo pat pradžių iki projekto pabaigos vedė per procesą, užtikrino, kad mums perduotas darbas būtų priimtinas ir atitiktų mūsų reikalavimus.
Amazing service from W Academy. I cannot recommend them enough. Karolina my project manager is exceptional. I’m so thankful for her excellent communication and unwavering support. Most importantly, thank you to my student who did such a fantastic job in bringing my vision for my website to life. Thank you so much for your dedication and attention to detail. I am in love with my new website. Thank you so much to W Academy, Karolina, my student and everyone involved in the building of my website. I’m so happy and proud of the work you’ve done.
I was so impressed by the service the project manager kept me informed all the way through the process, I was so impressed by the student who made my website, end result of my website it is exactly what I wanted, the overall look was easy to navigate and stylish.
Elena was so helpful and professional! The design was completed very quickly and any amendments were carried out within hours. Amazing service and would highly recommend.
I would highly recommend WAcademy. The service is amazing, and incredibly professional! This company has worked on developing 2 websites for me so far, and everyone I have have shown my completed site to, has been blown away by the very high standard of work, and the second site, which is nearly complete, is also absolutely stunning! ⭐️ I still need to build 2 more websites, and I’ll definitely be using this service again to get them done. Thanks to the designers, and all who have worked on my projects, and a very special thank you to Elena, the project manager. You are a truly a pro!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. 10 out of 10!! Thank you very much! I’m incredibly pleased! 🥳😊🙌🙌⭐️Xxx
W Academy did a great job in producing our website. They were extremely helpful in helping us work out what we wanted and needed. Any feedback we gave was promptly acted upon. The web designer did a beautiful job in adding some elements that made our website look extremely professional.
I can’t believe how fantastic my new website looks! The process was really easy, and they clarified every detail before they implemented it, if my description of what I wanted wasn’t clear. The hosting provider is a similar price to my existing host, and gives free email 😃 I’m now proud to tell people my web address, and that’s a huge step forward for my business. THANK YOU SO MUCH WAcademy for creating this link between web design students of excellent caliber and businesses who need new websites! I hope to direct many friends and business owners to your services for future courses, they will be delighted!
MY NEW WEBSITE IS STUNNING!!! I was a bit apprehensive when I was filling out the form I came across on a facebook add. Free website design? I thought there had to a catch, but no its exactly that, all you have to do is get your hosting and transfer your domain name. This process was all explained by John and there was no pressure, no hidden catches, all information was provided. I have had a great experience with WAcademy and my project manager Ernesta was great for communication and I can’t thank her and my student designer Kristina enough. They have gave me a website that I am super proud of. Nothing was too much to ask when it came to the revisions and the professional standard truly is amazing. Thank you very much and I am ecstatic with the end result. This is a great program they are running for small business like myself who need support and can’t afford to spend $2000 on a website. Also giving the student designer a real client and brief is rewarding and helps build their portfolio for future work. It gives you the foundation to have a beautiful designed page that you then have full control over and can edit at anytime. Here’s my website if anyone wants a preview of what you can expect to achieve… Thanks again to WAcademy, I will sing your praises to any new small business that this program could help. 5 star service! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
I’m very pleased with my new website. It is exactly what I imagined and more. I was a bit skeptical about their claim of a „free” website and of course, it was not, because you have to sign up with their recommended hosting provider; but I was already looking for a new company to host my website and the deal they offered was great, so I was more than happy to go ahead. The whole website creation process was very easy and Ernesta was always there to offer help (even on Jubilee weekend). I explained my timescale and Ernesta worked with me to fit the whole process into my own schedule. The end result is beautiful. Thank you 🙂 Martina @ The Training Umbrella
I am over the moon!!!! W academy offered to create a website for me for free and I decided to give it a try without any expectations. W academy created an amazing website for my modeling agency in Los Angeles called Elegant Network: it looks very professional and very user-friendly, honestly it looks better than any other agency’s website in Los Angeles. They were really great to communicate with as well. I’m just starting my business so I couldn’t really afford to pay high-ranked developers. I still can’t believe how fortunate I am to have my website developed for me for free with top-notch quality. Thank you W Academy for helping my dream come true!
WAcademy did a great job of designing and producing my website…5 out of 5….thank you, Elena and Nick!
I own a very super cool website now. I’m happy to say that I own a very super cool website thanks to W Academy. They have done first-class work, they did it very well. I was really impressed with the quality, design, and details of the website. The whole process was a clear, quick, simple, and very smooth experience. I can’t recommend it enough.
Beautiful website and professional looking My dream came through. I’ve got my website very fast and it’s much better than I expected..believe me, you get more than what you pay for… I’m thankful to Michael the project manager, Sam, and to all students of the academy for this awesome work. Many thanks again and again. My website is
I had a fantastic experience with W Academy. They were incredibly responsive and built a website for my business, all in the time that I was on vacation. I’ve wanted a website for my business for so long but felt incapable to do it myself. In my eyes, W Academy made the impossible possible and brought my vision to life. It saved me a lot of energy and I am so pleased with the outcome
W Academy produced a professional service at a very affordable cost, which as a start-up company I am very grateful for. They listened to what I wanted now I have an eye-catching and well-functioning website.
Beautiful website and is very professional looking. I had a very positive experience with W Academy, they built my website and it looks very professional and ready to attract customers. They were responsive anytime I had questions. I am so glad I signed up because my website looks so beautiful 😍 Honestly this price is so worth it! Thank you guys, awesome work! My website is
A fantastic offer bringing web design students and clients together Although crossed paths in an unexpected way (found Wacademy through an Instagram ad) I have been very pleased with the service provided and the add-ons installed making my website super nice, safe, professional, and functioning. Ideas explored and suggestions discussed were all taken into consideration. A massive thank you to the graphic designer, the web designer, the web developer, and the project manager!
Great for start-ups I’m so pleased with the outcome of my website, for someone who needed assistance with a website and is a start-up it was great to have this service provided to me. You will still need to pay for the running fees through Getspace but your website development is free through WAcademy, which is to be expected, everyone has to pay for running fees. I live in Australia so the time difference in trying to communicate with my project manager made things a little confusing, a few times it went around in circles but I am still very pleased with the outcome and happy I used this service
I was very satisfied with my created webpage. The designer understood fully my expectations about the website I imagined. My project manager, Ernesta was responsive and professional about my asking for changes. It’s super easy to edit my website. I’m very happy about it.
Steve TheMagicmindman Rated 4 out of 5 stars I was surprised and delighted with the speed and professionalism of Wacademy. I was a tricky client with not much to work with and was always late with requests. However, Ernesta and the team have produced a decent website very quickly. I would have liked a bit more guidance on my ‘vision’ (which was non-existent) at the beginning of the process which is why I deducted one star. However, I will happily recommend them to anyone!
I had the best experience with W Academy. Ernesta, my manager, was very professional and ready to answer my questions. What I would recommend before starting to fill up your form with the details of your website, is to have already a very clear idea of what you want and all your pictures ready.
Absolutely outstanding experience with WAcademy. At first, I was very skeptical and thought it was too good to be true. It’s not 100% free as you need to pay for the hosting but that’s only a small price to pay when you receive such a beautiful and professional website. Ernesta and her team are amazing at what they do and I would 100% recommend them to anyone who is after a professional website My website it
Website Developer program I was selected to participate in their website developer program. They exceeded expectations and brought my vision to life with a very execution on site. Support and contact throughout the process was great!
Smooth process of transitioning and updating our website, taking on board our feedback and creative ideas and implementing them in a professional and stylish manner. The guides on keeping our website up to date are also really useful allowing us to control and manage future updates.
WAcademy is Wow! Academy If there is one word I can use to describe my experience with WAcademy is Wow!Academy. I had a great experience with them since I first approached them. They are fast, reliable, customer-oriented, and providing great services and websites. Thank you again for your support!
Fantastic collaboration! WAcademy helped me to build a website from scratch. I was impressed by their promptness, attention to detail, and the fact that they thoroughly explained the whole process. In terms of deliverables, they accomplished what we wanted to achieve efficiently. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND WAcademy!
Guys did a good job creating our Flowers and coffee website. They showed us dedication and professionalism. They were very responsive and met our expectations. I would recommend their services <3))
We thank WAcademy for the work done on the layout of the individual design layout of our store’s website and the programming of additional modules. All work was completed on time and in accordance with the task. The issues arising in the process were resolved along the way without any problems for the customer. A positive impression was created from the cooperation – a reasonable business approach prevails: WAcademy is aimed at solving specific problems of the client and fulfilling his wishes. Good luck and prosperity to you!
This was a very easy and simple process, Michael was easy to work with, just a great experience. I would recommend W academy to anyone.
Thank you so much, dear Wacademy team, for my website! Thank you for your patience as well. I was delaying giving information for my website for a couple of months! I think I seriously was one of the worst clients they ever had, but the manager was checking up on me, kindly reminding me that she is still waiting. Then after I was ready, it took extremely fast to get my website done! I was provided with all the information on how to change things on my website. And this experience was just wonderful!
Superb Professionalism and Implication I am very grateful for the job W Academy has done for me. I am horrible at technology but i received support, information, suggestions, and help during the implementation. I had an amazing experience with them and 100% sure that I’ll collaborate with the team again. My website looks perfect! Thank you!
I’m very thankful to team W Academy for good job! After edits, all my requests and wishes were taken into account) my web site now is very cool! thank you! wish you a big success!
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