Customize photos
Back to knowledge base 1. When we open the page in Elementor, click on the “image size” selection. 2. Expand the list and select the
Back to knowledge base 1. When we open the page in Elementor, click on the “image size” selection. 2. Expand the list and select the
Back to knowledge base 1. When we open the page in Elementor, right-click on the inserted photo – marked „1”. 2. A menu will expand,
Back to knowledge base 1. When we open the page in Elementor, click on the „Image” element – marked „1”. 2. Drag to an empty
Back to knowledge base 1. When we open the page in Elementor, click on a given element. 2. Click the „Style” tab. 3. Click the
Back to knowledge base Method 1: 1. When we enter any website. Click on „hamburger” in the upper left corner of the page. 2. Click
Back to knowledge base 1. If we want to change the global color, click on the hamburger and go to „Website Settings”. 2. Select „Global
Back to knowledge base 1. If we want to change the color of a selected element, click on it, then go to the „Style” tab
Back to knowledge base 1. Right-click on the element and click „Delete”. 2. Once we remove unwanted elements from our website, do not forget to
Back to knowledge base 1. After adding the example button, its editing options will appear in the sidebar. Different items have different options. 2. Here
Back to knowledge base 1. Once you are in Edit in Elementor, click e.g. „Button” in the sidebar and drag it to the desired location
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